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The Brent Primary


Experiencing a mental health problem in childhood is one of the biggest barriers to achieving positive wellbeing and yet it has been estimated that only one quarter of children affected are getting specialist help. 


One of the most popular aspects of Place2Be’s support is called ‘Place2Talk’. It’s open to all pupils, and they can make an appointment to spend 15 minutes with a trained counsellor, either by themselves or with a friend. On average, about a third of pupils who access the service in schools take advantage of this service every year. Pupils often talk about friendships or any worries they may have.

The sessions are facilitated by a Place2Be Counsellors. Place2Be is an organisational member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. This means all Counsellors are committed to the highest standards of personal and professional practice and work in line with its Ethical Framework and Ethical Guidelines. 

Parent/Carer information sheet

Parenting support 

Place2Be, our in-school mental health support service, has a variety of resources to help you support your child's wellbeing. Visit their Parenting Smart website for free practical advice on a range of topics (from bullying to sleep difficulties).

If you're looking for more support on your parenting journey, you could also sign up for their free Parenting Smart - Online Course. This can support you in learning strategies to help with your child's behaviour and is monitored by a trained counsellor. 

Place2Be- parenting support

For more targeted support, please speak to a member of the Family Support Team who can make a referral to our Parenting Practitioner. An assessment will then be completed and support can include:

  • PIPT (personalised, individual, parent training) – Parents meet with our family practitioner, 1 hour per week in school for between 6-10 sessions to learn parenting strategies to help with your child’s behaviour at home.
  • Parent Partnership – parents meet with our family practitioner in school to discuss behaviour and strategies. Parents can have up to 5 sessions lasting an hour each.

 1:1 counselling support 

 The one-to-one counselling service provides individual therapy sessions to support struggling pupils. The service is for children and young people experiencing things like:
  • difficulties making connections with others
  • lack of understanding of themselves
  • difficulties processing their emotions
  • trauma.

Pupils may also be referred to one-to-one counselling if they score highly on emotional or peer difficulties on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The SDQ is a behavioural screening mental health professionals use to measure the mental wellbeing of a young person.

Place2Be therapy sessions use talking, creative work and play to enhance communication skills and emotional development. Pupils are initially offered up to ten sessions that last 50 minutes each. After one-to-one counselling with us, our reports show children with severe difficulties show an improvement in mental health and find it easier to make and keep friends.