The aim of languages teaching at The Brent is to encourage an appreciation for languages, learning a language is a ‘liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures.
Through this, we ignite children’s curiosity for the wider world, including the cultures where these languages are spoken. Learning foreign languages provides the children with frequent opportunities to build on life skills such as confidence, self-esteem and empathy, whilst equipping children with the knowledge and cultural capital to appreciate and celebrate difference.
We strive to embed the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing to enable children to use and apply their French learning in a variety of contexts and lay the foundations for future language learning. Lessons are interactive and collaborative, a Growth Mindset culture is encouraged to allow children to challenge themselves outside their comfort zone. Discussion surrounding languages is welcomed and the links and patterns between different vocabulary, pronunciations and letter symbols is encouraged. Children have the opportunities to develop their language skills by providing authentic, engaging and practical scenarios through role-play and theme days.
Nationally, the proportion of children that engage in languages after Key Stage 3 is low, as Key Stage 2 teachers, it is our priority to motivate our students to enjoy and flourish with languages. Recognition of different languages is at the forefront of our school culture and motivating and engaging language theme days have been welcomed.
Useful links to support your child's French learning at home
BBC Bitesize - KS2 French
Crickweb - KS2 French
Primary Games Arena - French
Watch this video to help you learn your colours
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